Sunday, August 26, 2018

In Case You Missed It... #MusicVideos

Here are 30 brand new videos worth checking out from some of our favorite artists.

1. Anna Shoemaker - "Liquor Store"

2. Anteros - "Call Your Mother"

3. Chymes - "Wild"

4. Dounia - "How I See It"

5. E^ST - "I Don't Lack Imagination"

6. Emily Blue - "Falling In Love"

7. Freya Ridings - "Lost Without You"

8. Josie Moon - "Call Me"

9. Joy Autumn - "Go"

10. Kacy Hill - "Dinner"

11. Kat Saul - "Jericho"

12. Kiiara - "Gloe"

13. Kota Banks - "Child"

14. laye - "milk n honey"

15. Lenay (feat.a Zara Bash) - "La La Land"

16. Lucy Camp - "Summer Love"

17. Nina Nesbitt - "Loyal To Me"

18. Oh Pep! - "Whats The Deal With David?"

19. Olivia Lane - "You Got Me"

20. Olympia - "Star City"

21. Pale Waves - "Eighteen"

22. Raffaella - "Bruce Willis"

23. Rayna (feat. Indy) - "Sinking"

24. Rebecca Moreland - "Beat Back"

25. Smith & Thell (feat. Swedish Jam Factory) - "Forgive Me Friend"

26. Sofya Wang - "Found Love"

27. Sophia Danai - "Guns and Gold"

28. Tate - "WWAWI"

29. tiny deaths - "Don't Let Go"

30. Valentina - "Break My Heart"

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