Friday, March 23, 2018

New Music Friday #50

1. 7Chariot - "Danger In Me"

2. alxxa - "Swerve"

3. Ängie - "Here For My Habits"

4. Ava James - "Passenger"

5. BB Diamond - "Man Or A Monster"

6. Cehryl - "Half The Time"

7. Doja Cat - "Candy"

8. Essie Holt - "Magnetise"

9. EXES - "Over"

10. GHITA - "Brand New"

11. Goldilox - "Ketamine"

12. HANA2K - "Ain't Even Friends"

*Also be sure to check out HANA2K's other new single, "Pretty Enough", here.

13. Heather Jayne - "Better Than This"

14. Hvmmingbyrd - "Papillon"

15. Ingrid Witt - "Fuck Your Ego"

16. Irini Mandó - "Six In The Morning"

17. Iyves - "Not Afraid To Fall"

18. Jax & Nash Overstreet - "Back on My Bullshit (B.O.M.B.)"

19. Kissy Fleur - "Conversations with Past Lovers"

20. Liana Bank$ - "Bad Manners"

21. Madison Rose - "Diamonds"

22. Marian Hill - "Differently"

23. Marlene & Ji Nilsson - "There"

24. MAYKA - "Rich"

25. Naah - "Sippin"

26. NONONO - "Friends"

27. Olivera - "No More"

28. Raikhana Mukhlis - "Believe"

29. Sibille Attar - "I Don't Have To"

30. SHY Martin - "Bad In Common"

31. Sonnfjord - "Fresh Heart"

32. Thandi Phoenix - "My Way"

33. Tuff Ghost - "Waterslide"

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