Saturday, April 5, 2014

Oh, Be Clever - My Religion

Following the release of their debut single, "Next To You" emerging Salt Lake City-based electronic pop duo Oh, Be Clever, comprised of vocalist Brittney Shields and multi-instrumentalist Cory Scott Layton have just recently unveiled their new single, "My Religion" co-written and produced by AWOLNATION's Kenny Carkeet. According to an interview with with GroundSounds, Oh, Be Clever will release their 6-song EP later this year.

"We had no idea what to expect going into this co-write with Kenny (Carkeet)," vocalist Brittney Shields explains. "Quite honestly, we were a little intimidated! The experience with Kenny and Jarvis (Anderson) [Saturn City] was absolutely amazing. They opened doors for me, as a writer, that do not get opened very often. The song was basically written about the destructive relationships that we, as human beings, get into. I was in one of these for about 6 months, and once I got myself out of it, I realized it was based purely on lust. I couldn’t let this person go because I was in love with the intimacy…and that was pretty much it. The ugly side of me was brought out in this 'relationship' and I couldn't let it go because I was in lust. Kenny and Jarvis completely brought me out of my 'box,' so to speak, as a lyricist and I think the song is an interesting way to look at how humans view these destructive relationships."

"My Religion" is available now on iTunes.

Also be sure to check out the music video for "Next To You" below.

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