Saturday, April 22, 2017

What's In Our Inbox? #92

With so many emails arriving in our inbox on a daily basis it's sometimes difficult to keep track of all the great new music that is being sent to us. As much as we would love to give each artist/song their own individual feature, we simply do not have the time to do so. So in order to make things a little easier on ourselves and to help get more music out there to YOU, we've decided to start doing a new feature that we're calling What's In Our Inbox?, which we'll try to share at least once a week. Please listen to each song and if you like what you hear then be sure to give the artist(s) a thumbs up and/or a follow on Facebook/Twitter.

1. Allday (feat. Mallrat) - "Baby Spiders"

2. Casper Zazz (feat. Jake Fehily) - "Flashing Lights"

3. Everywhere (feat. Rebecca Nohr) - "Man Up"

4. Froyo - "Darling"

5. Leisure Suite - "Don't Wait"

6. - "Broken"

7. Modern Pleasure - "Charonné"

8. Panama - "Hope For Something"

9. Pat Kiloran - "Famous 4 U"

10. PLGRMS - "Dream You Up"

11. Sheare - "R I P"

12. Thrillers - "Slow Motion Replay"

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