Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Late Night Gems #46

1. Amanda Delara - "We Don't Run From Anyone"

2. Aria Nichols - "Temptation"

3. BALTIMÖRE - "Runaway"

4. C.arling - "LDL" (Long Distance Love)

5. Cassie Marin - "Candy"

6. Elley Duhé - "Can You Touch"

7. Emilia Ali - "Thick Thighs"

8. Emma Stuart - "Dial Tones"

9. Emreis - "New Drug"

10. Hana Brooks - "Leave It"

11. Heather Jayne - "The Power"

12. HOLDN - "Loser"

13. Ilham - "Stuck In The Past"

14. LA. Faithfull - "Heart Back"

15. Lolo Zouaï - "Blue"

16. Marion Sophia - "Used To Be Your Girl"

17. Shebloom - "Adolescent Magic"

18. Tamar Antler - "Breathe For Me"

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